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The issues

Each child in Britain deserves to experience dignity, belonging and joy in education. But Black children have historically been denied this right.

  • 95% of young Black people have heard and witnessed racism at school. 49% of young Black people feel racism is the biggest barrier to attaining success in school, while 50% say the biggest barrier is teachers’ perceptions of them – for example, being seen as ‘too aggressive’.11
  • Data released following the report into the Child Q case showed 75% of children subjected to strip searches by the Metropolitan Police from 2019-2021 were from ethnically diverse backgrounds. The figures could be higher, as data only covered searches carried out after arrest.12
  • In 2020, the largest exam board in the country did not include any books by a Black author among set texts for its GCSE English literature syllabus.13
  • Just over 1% of secondary school teachers come from Black African or Black Caribbean backgrounds. Only 0.7% of headteachers identify as Black Caribbean and 0.2% of headteachers identify as Black African.15

Despite persistent barriers, more Black students are accessing higher education and attending university. In 2019, 45% of Black 18-year-olds across England were accepted into higher education, up from 28% in 2010.16


Black Caribbean pupils are three times more likely to be permanently excluded .

BEO will work with partners and allies to address systemic racism in the education system, to ensure all Black children and young people can fulfil their potential.