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The issues

Each child in Britain deserves to experience dignity, belonging and joy in education. But Black children have historically been denied this right.

  • 15.9% of Black pupils with any special educational needs got a grade 5 or above in GCSE Maths and English – the lowest percentage out of all groups.11
  • Black children are four times more likely to be strip searched compared to national population figures.12
  • BEO research revealed that 47% of pupils do not feel as though their school curriculum represents their cultural background.
  • Despite making up 4.4% of the working age population, only 2.5% of teachers are Black, 1% of Headteachers are Black 13

Despite persistent barriers, more Black students are accessing higher education and attending university. In 2022, 51% of Black 18-year olds across England were accepted into higher education, up from 31% in 2012.14


Black Caribbean pupils are three times more likely to be permanently excluded .


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BEO will work with partners and allies to address systemic racism in the education system, to ensure all Black children and young people can fulfil their potential.