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Justice, immigration and rights
Justice, immigration and rights

The justice system criminalises and fails Black people disproportionately.

  • Black people are four times more likely to be stopped and searched.30
  • Black people experienced a custody rate for indictable offences of 39% compared to white people at 29%.31
  • Black people were 2.2 times as likely to be arrested than their white counterparts, Black men were 2.4 times and Black women 1.4 times as likely to be arrested than their white counterparts 32

Black people are also not adequately represented among those empowered to deliver justice.

  • Black judges make up 1.3% within the England and Wales judiciary 33
  • Black people are significantly under-represented in the police and prison services, Black people made up 1.3% of police officers yet 4.0% of the general population. 34

The immigration system has also failed Black people.

  • The British state wrongfully detained or deported 164 people, with more leaving ‘voluntarily’ following repeated pressure from the Home Office – despite having a right to stay 35
  • Regular attempts to deport people of Caribbean heritage continue. One set of UK-born twins faced deportation to different Caribbean countries.36


Black people are four times more likely to be stopped and searched

Justice, immigration, and Rights

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BEO will work with partners and allies to address the causes of racial discrimination in the criminal justice and immigration systems through litigation, advocacy, outreach, public education and by creating new systems which give Black communities power to hold institutions to account.