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Health, wellness and care
Health, wellness and care

The hard fact is, the healthcare experiences of Black people and White People in Britain are worlds apart.

Many Black people work in the NHS, making up 7.4% of the workforce compared to a working age Black population of 4.4% 23

Yet in spite of their stellar contribution to the health of others, Black people are failed in all aspects of their own care.

  • At the height of the pandemic, Black people were four times more likely to die from COVID-19.24
  • Black people are 30% more likely than White people to experience a common mental health problem in any given week.25
  • Black people were 3.5 times as likely as white people to be detained under the Mental Health Act and out of all ethnic groups, black people were most likely to be detained under the Mental Health Act 26
  • Black children are 10 times more likely to be referred to children’s mental health services via social services than White children.27
  • 75% of Black people aged between 18-34 said they felt discriminated against by healthcare professionals.28

Because of poverty, discrimination, stereotyping and systemic racism, Black people experience worse health and mental health outcomes and have a lower level of trust in health and care services.


Black women are four times more likely to die in pregnancy

Health, Wellness and Care

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BEO will work with partners and allies to achieve health equality for all Black people in the UK, including a healthy life and high-quality, freely available healthcare, with equal outcomes irrespective of race.