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Janet’s Windrush Story

BY BEO | 29/10/2024

Janet McKay-Williams, a dedicated support worker for a local council, has been making waves not only in her professional endeavours but also as a prominent Windrush activist, and union representative.

I was born in Tottenham, and I have devoted my career to supporting children and young people with various disabilities. My journey as a Windrush activist took a personal turn when I found myself supporting mypartner, Anthony Bryan, who became entangled in the Windrush scandal. Anthony had been living entirely legally in the UK since arriving here aged eight in 1965, was sacked from his job, arrested, wrongly held in an immigration detention centre for five weeks and booked on a plane back to Jamaica, a country he hadn’t visited in more than 50 years.

Anthony’s immigration status was at stake, and I took up the challenge, fighting tirelessly to resolve the situation. This included fundraising efforts and a significant legal victory – winning an injunction to prevent the Home Office from wrongly deporting him.

Our remarkable story has garnered attention and recognition, becoming the subject matter of the BAFTA award-winning drama “Sitting in Limbo.” The drama sheds light on the challenges, struggles, and triumphs that individuals like us faced during the Windrush scandal. I continue to campaign for a compensation scheme for all Windrush survivors.

Janet McKay-Williams stands as a testament to the resilience and determination of those who found themselves caught in the complexities of the Windrush era. Her advocacy and efforts have not only impacted the lives of those directly involved but have also contributed to the broader conversation about immigration policies and the need for justice and reform. As her story continues to unfold, Janet remains an inspiring figure, symbolising the strength that can arise in the face of adversity, and her activism serves as a powerful force for change.